Sponsorships, support of education
We support children, adolescents and young adults through sponsorships or by promoting their education. Here are some recent examples:
Support of the medical studies of Hugue M., Congo
Hugue M. has been working with Brothers of the “Christusträgern” in the missionary medical hospital Vanga, Congo for a long time. The focus of his work was the children’s ward. Additionally he is always in villages around Vanga for home visits. Due to his medical skills and his reliable personality, Brother Werner W. of the “Christusträger” decided to support him financially with his desire to study medicine in Kinshasa. So Hugue began his studies in 2013 and has already made great progress. We co-finance his studies and are also available to Hugue as contact person.
Mentor, sponsor in the "Men´s Rites of Passage" for younger men
In August 2018 for the first time the German organization “Männerpfade” (like “Illumen” in the USA) offered the MROP for younger men (“YMROP”) (like “Male Journey” in the UK) between the ages of 20 and 28. Through the multi-day initiation process, young men have an in-depth experience early on their life path, which has a lasting positive influence on them and their future. Accordingly, I, Frank Heimann (FH), was grateful, that I could accompany as a mentor, sponsor and two young men on their way. In August 2020 this was already planned again. But due to COVID-19 the YMROP had to be postponed to 2020/1.
Educational program children, Tlholego, South Africa
At an event of Weltladen Speyer e. V. we encountered Pia R. from the board of Tsala ya Africa e. V. for the first time. The association was founded on the initiative of several young adults after they had finished their voluntary social year in South Africa in 2015. From the contact developing to Pia, we decided to support the educational program for children of “Tsala ya Africa” in Tlholego, South Africa. With our regular donation, we contribute a little bit that the association can continue to pay the school fees for currently 7 children from Tlholego for the nearby private “Christian Harmony School”. The program should be expanded and therefore the people behind “Tsala ya Africa” are very happy about further sponsors …
Sponsorship for Danashree M., India
By chance we have met the very dedicated CEO of “Chance auf Leben e. V.” at an annual general meeting of RFPD (German section). Since the goals of this charitable organization are very similar to ours, we have decided to take over the fostership for Danashree (* 2001) in India.
Sponsorship for Bishal T., Nepal
Already since 1994, we have been active as private individuals as godparents at Plan International. Unfortunately, the sponsorships were always prematurely or unfortunately ended for various reasons. As the longtime sponsorship of the last godchild was unexpectedly ended by marriage, we did not want to take over anymore the responsibility for a further foster-child via Plan. But Bishal (* 2013) spontaneously touched our hearts with his photo, so now we’re going to try it again – this time via our charity organization “hk advance”.
Koala Lismore Myrtle
When we were in Eastern Australia at the beginning of 2020, the bushfires had devastated large areas of land and killed countless animals. To make at least a small contribution to help, we visited the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie and spontaneously adopted Lismore Myrtle. This is a kind of “crowd” adoption similar to the principle behind the microcredit platform “Kiva”.