Microloan groups in Bushenyi, Uganda

From a letter to the supporters of the project – otherwise the above image impressions from the microcredit groups certainly speak for themselves:
“… What about now, 3 years later?
From our 2 groups have now become 12 groups. The groups have specialized in their ‘favorite product’.
So a group in Rubirizi that we were allowed to visit mainly produces ‘Crafts’ (souvenirs). The group has found a small restaurant where they can exhibit their products. The restaurant is located on one of the main roads where many tourists drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park or back to the capital, Kampala. The “Crafts” not only include necklaces, but also hats, baskets, gorilla figures, bicycle figures and more. I was very impressed by the quality of the products. Every craft was very well made and nicely finished. Of course we also talked to the ladies and listened to their experiences. It is the case that all money collected is returned to the village community. If someone can not pay the school fees from their child or someone is sick, then the money is provided with pleasure. The next intention of this group is to make their location even better known. The leaders of the Red Cross try to establish cooperations with local “lodges”, so that the “Crafts” can also be sold there.
The other group – we visited – has specialized on soap production. As the market for soap is currently very much flooded with other private individuals, the group has switched to ´Piggery´ (pig breeding). They bought pigs with the proceeds of their soap production. Bushenyi is known for its ´Pork Joints´, a meeting place where traditional pork is eaten. A pig currently has a value of around 500,000 Uganda shillings (around 124, – €). A lot of money. Thus, it is currently the case that the group makes their soap for inquiries and reinvested the money taken into the ´Piggery´ business.
And also the other groups are doing well. From the reports of our Ugandan volunteers, only positive things can be heard and I am looking forward to visiting more groups when I am back in Uganda.
I am delighted that your donation has helped to bring this still active and sustainable project to the world. Maybe you will be glad to know this too.
Franziska G., Berlin, May 2017“