Microloans, support of entrepreneurs to start their one small business
In order to promote “Helping people help themselves”, in countries where economies are still developing, we especially support small entrepreneurs and the microloan approach of Muhammad Yunus. Here you can find some examples:
Training for small business owners and the allocation of microloans in Ibadan, Nigeria

The Rotary Club Limburgerhof/Vorderpfalz is currently supporting a project in Ibadan-West, Nigeria as part of its international activities in the area of “micro finance and maternal and child health”. The project was launched in April 2015. Since then, around 1.490 women have been trained – a current training took place on Sept. 17th 2020, and ca. 870 of them provided with a microcredit and helped to build their own small business. The repayment rate of the microloans is even after the fifth year at almost 100 percent! From our side the very successful project is supervised from Germany.

We find the idea behind the microcredit internet platform “Kiva” inspiring. We are convinced that microloans are a very effective way to help people to overcome their long-term poverty. Help us to empower more people to implement their own business ideas …
… and so to realize their dreams of a better world.
For this reason we have established a team at Kiva in 2010, which has meanwhile grown to more than 65 members and has supported together some 2.600 microloans.
Microloan groups in Bushenyi, Uganda

As part of their voluntary social year in Bushenyi, Uganda, two volunteers from Germany had set up two microcredit groups in 2014/5. These two groups have now become twelve, successfully selling their “favorite products” and sustainably improving their living conditions.