Supported and Befriended Organizations, Institutions, Partners
On a case-by-case basis, we use free funds to support small organizations where we know the people are reliable and the funding goals are similar to ours. In addition, there are some institutions that, in our view, do a groundbreaking work on the topics of “change in our society, personal growth, peace work, intercultural dialogue, and so on”. Below is a list and some more detailed information about these institutions and how we collaborate:
Since 2009 a member of the Club and since then engaged in many functions (including as President, Foundation Commissioner, International Service, “Rotaract“- Officer, …), some of our projects have also been developed in close collaboration and through mutual support. These include, above all, the development of the kiva team and the Nigeria project. In particular, the latter would not have been possible without the financial resources of the club, “Distrikt 1860“, “RFPD” (German section) and the “Rotary Foundation“. In addition, we as “hk advance” often support club projects, such as: The annual advent calendar campaign, child sponsorships at the “KidsCamps 1860“, actions on “Education ensures future”, …
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“Led by the vision of unity in diversity, we are committed to reconciliation, justice, and peace, and we practice mindfulness on a small and a grand scale to contribute with our gifts and powers to the growth of unity and love in the world.“
Guided by a spirituality for reconciliation and peace, the “Katharina-Werk” is also involved in various social and intercultural projects. In addition to our voluntary work in the circle of friends we supported also the projects “Sounds of Palestine” and “project peace“.
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The goal of “TSALA YA AFRICA” is to support South African children in their education. The NGO achieved its first goal! Thanks to generous donors they are able to pay the school fees for all seven Tlholego children. Since spring 2015 the children are visiting a nearby private school. “TSALA YA AFRICA” wants to give more children this opportunity. That is why they need your help!
“Our vision is that a generation of transformed men as role models and true elders in their various tasks (as sons, fathers, grandfathers, husbands, partners, bosses or employees) have a positive and beneficial impact on their personal and social environment.”
After I (FH) myself experienced the healing effect of the “Men´s Rites of Passage” (“MROP”) in a deep life crisis, I am involved in and for the German organization “Männerpfade” (like “Illumen” in the USA). I am very glad that in 2018 for the first time we offered the “MROP for younger men” (“YMROP”) (like “Male Journey” in the UK) between the ages of 20 and 28 in Germany. This is an opportunity for these young people to have an in-depth experience early on their life path. Accordingly, as a mentor/sponsor, I accompany two young men on their path …
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I got to know and “love” the “Eschwege Institute” (or the “Campus Peregrini”) and one of its leaders, Holger Heiten, as part of a training as a “Council Facilitator”, which we as a closed group of “Männerpfade” graduated.
“Council is a non-hierarchical, non-violent form of communication in groups that focuses on listening and speaking from the heart.
Council is one of the most effective ways of building sustainable community culture and relationships. It provides teams, institutions and groups of all kinds with a highly effective tool for shaping processes, crises and conflicts, as well as appreciating achievements.”
Examples where I got to know the positive power of the “Way of Council” method are workshops at Men´s Gatherings, council meetings of “Männerpfade”, communication in our own family, councils in classes of the “Vocational Preparation Year” (“Berufsvorbereitungsjahr”) at “Vocational Schools” (“Berufsbildende Schulen”), …
In the United States of America the “Ojai Foundation” developed and now disseminates the “Way of Council”.
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In addition to Vanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, some Brothers of “Christusträger” have been engaged in Afghanistan since 1969. At present there are two Brothers in Kabul, working in two outpatient clinics and in a technical support workshop for the city hospitals.
We also gladly support these activities, as far as possible.
“FREEZONE sees itself as a low-threshold institution of youth welfare. It addresses its offers to children, adolescents and young adults between the ages of 12 and 25, who are threatened by homelessness or are already homeless and have moved their center of life onto the street. These young people are no longer reached by existing aid services of youth welfare and are living in particularly difficult life circumstances.” – Freezone Straßenkids Mannheim
From Christmas 2013 to the beginning of 2017, the Rotary Club Limburgerhof/Vorderpfalz and we supported Freezone to open a new facility in Ludwigshafen in many different ways. Unfortunately, all efforts – also due to a lack of support from the side of the city council of Ludwigshafen – not crowned with success, so that in early 2017, the project “StreetInn“ had to be abandoned by Freezone.
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“We strengthen needy adolescents who have completely lost the ground under their feet. We provide them with accommodation and support, strengthen them and build them into personalities of our society. We train them in technical professions or transfer them to other industries.
Our focus is on particularly difficult cases: Young people who are on the margins of society and in whom the classical youth welfare service often can not work at first.
According to our claim “Where others give up, we train.” we prefer to work with young people, who otherwise have no chance for a self-determined life and a sustainable entry into professional life.” CoLab – Das Fachkraftwerk
In 2016 we have moved to the wonderful small city of Speyer. We now want to take care of the needs of young people in difficult life situations also in our hometown. So far, we have only been able to support CoLab gGmbH with a small donation, but would like to examine whether and how further support from our side would be possible in the future.
We are sorry ! This homepage is only in German language available.
“RFPD advocates for a sustainable world population development under decent conditions, a sustainable balance between available resources and the number of people around the globe, as well as access to education, family planning and primary care available and affordable for all.“
We find the work of this Rotary “Action Group” very important and expedient. For this reason already several years ago we have completed “lifelong” memberships in “RFPD (German section)” .
“The question for us is always ´how can we turn information into transformation?´
How can we use the sacred texts, tradition, and experience
to lead people into new places with God, with life, with themselves?”— Richard Rohr
The Franciscan Richard Rohr, founder and director of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has been my spiritual leader and “father” figure since at least my mid-thirties. Again, it was a life crisis and the gift of the book “The Wild Man´s Journey” by Fr. Richard from a friend who set the right momentum in my life at the right time (reprint: “From Wild Man to Wise Man“). The highlight will always be the “Living School” (a two-year program at the CAC), which I (FH) concluded with the posting as Deacon in August 2018 .